Monday, May 5, 2008

What not to wear

I am a firm beliver that a person's outer apperancce can have an major affect on their outlook on themselves. That being said recently I have gotten into a show called what not to wear. The show has viewers who choose someone in their life who is extremely out of the loop as far as fashion. Being that I love to shop this show was right up my alley.

The show starts off by Clinton and London grabbing their unsuspecting victim telling them of their fashion faux pas and giving them rules to shop by depending on thier body type. I suspect that both Clinton and London take much time to choose which body type cooresponds with what article of clothing etc. What I really enjoy about the show is the fact that at the end the 'ex' victim is changed, and has more confidence in who they are. It proves that one's outward appearance may have a large impact on how they feel.

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